Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I've kinda stalled on the trying to fund our IVF front, for one reason: I am so nervous about telling my sisters!
My mom was so supportive and really kind about the whole thing but my sisters? I am just not sure how they will respond. My biggest concern with them is that they will be upset and hurt that I didn't tell them sooner.

My mom suggested that I just email them both, so no one is getting more or less info than the other, in case I accidentally omit something during conversation. I know that one of my sisters hates getting news via email, but I just couldn't get up the nerve to call her this weekend. I picked up the phone three or four times and just couldn't do it.

DH also says I should just email them to avoid the drama and three hour long conversations that would ensue but I haven't been able to pull the trigger! I've been at this alone for so long, it feels weird to think of actually being open about it.

I am oddly calm about, not only having our cycle cancelled, but about moving onto IVF in general. I think it's definitely a case of the more you know the less you worry. If I didn't know of the experience of the gals on TB and IDOB, I think I would definitely be more scared but it feels like the right thing to do. I am actually more comfortable with the idea of IVF than I was with IUIs. I never thought I would feel this way.

Perhaps it's my mind recognizing what my body already knows; IVF is our only positive option. It probably has been the whole time and deep down, I've always known it.


  1. I hope you get the courage to talk to your sisters! Perhaps you could draft the email and wait to send it until your feeling ready? Or draft the email and then use that as your guide when you call your sisters?

    1. That is exactly what I did! I drafted the email on Tuesday and then late last night I worked up the nerve to hit send and then texted them both to tell them to check their emails. They both checked them immediately, and texted right back. One sent a super excited text and the other sent a very nice, understanding text in return. I am pretty relieved that neither of them have hurt feelings that I didn't share with them sooner!

  2. I have been blog stalking you lately, so I figured I would let you know I was here. :) I hope you find a way to open up to you sisters in a manner that you are comfortable with! I also read your fundraising blog information and I loved it. I thought it was a wealth of information! I hope you are able to finance IVF and that your miracle baby is right around the corner.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement and for letting me know you were here :) I am happy to say that both my sisters responded well and that my nervousness was all for nothing!

  3. I am SO HAPPY that your sisters responded well! Good for you getting up the courage to do that! I hope that they just want to support you :-)
